31 maggio 2022
?. GTA 6
?. Baldurs Gate 3
?. Elden Ring
?. Cyberpunk 2077
?. Resident evil 4 remake
?. Doom: the Dark Age
?. Street Fighter 6
?. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
?. Tekken 8
?. Metaphor Re Fantazio
?. Returnal
TOP DELLA 8a GENERAZIONE (Ps4,switch,xbo)
1. Zelda - Breath of The Wild
2. Bloodborne
3. The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt
4. Hollow Knight
5. Sekiro
6. Read Dead Redemption 2
7. Super Mario Odyssey
8. Dark Souls 3
9. Shovel Knight
10. Devil May Cry 5
11. Resident Evil 2 (Remake)
12. Doom Eternal
13. Super Mario 3D World
14. Nier Automata
15. Bayonetta 2
16. Dragon Quest 11
17. Persona 5
18. Divinity Original Sin 2
19. Outer Wilds
20. Mario Kart 8
21. Disco Elysium
22. Metal Gear Solid V
23. DK Tropical Freeze
24. Marvel Spider-man
25. Dishonored 2
26. Nioh 2
27. Undertale
28. Hyper Light Drifter
29. God of war 4
30. Resident Evil 7
31. Metroid Dread
1. Dark Souls
2. Skyrim
3. The Last of US
4. Bioshock
5. GTA 5
6. XenoBlade Chronicles
7. Mass Effect 2
8. Super Mario Galaxy 2
9. Fallout New Vegas
10. Demons Souls
11. Portal 1/2
12. MineCraft
13. Super Mario Galaxy
14. Batman Arkham Asylum
15. Bayonetta
16. Batman Arkham City
17. Uncharted 2
18. Oblivion
19. Dead Space
20. Fallout 3
21. Read Dead Redemption
22. Hotline Miami
23. Dishonored
24. Dragon Age Origins
25. Metal Gear Revengeance
26. Dragon's Dogma
27. Metal Gears Solid 4
28. Mass Effect
29. Binding of Isaac
30. Gears of Wars 2
31. Far Cry 3
32. The Walking Dead Game
33. Street Fighter 4
1. Shadow of The Colossus
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Silent Hill 2
4. Half Life 2
5. Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater
6. GTA San andreas
7. Devil May Cry 3
8. Metroid Prime
9. Final Fantasy 10
10. Resident evil 1 Remake
11. Street Fighter 3rd strike
12. Kingdom Hearts
13. Dragon Quest 8
14. Paper Mario: Il portale Millenario
15. Metal Gear Solid 2
16. Halo 2
17. World of Warcraft
18. Devil May Cry
19. GTA Vice City
20. Okami
21. Kingdom Hearts 2
22. Prince of Persia - Le sabbie del tempo
23. Knights of the Old republic
24. Marvel vs Capcom 2
25. Zelda Twilight Princess
26. Warcraft 3
27. Soul Calibur 2
28. Fable
29. GTA 3
30. Max Payne 2
31. Morrowind
32. God of War
33. Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne
34. Max Payne
35. Zelda Wind Waker
36. ICO
37. Smash Bros Melee
38. Virtua fighter 4 Evo
39. Katamari Damacy
40. Halo
41. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
42. Persona 4
43. God Hand
44. FEAR
45. Ratchet and clank
46. God of war 2
47. Splinter Cell 3
48. Shenmue
1. Zelda - Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario 64
3. Final Fantasy 7
4. Deus Ex
5. Zelda Majora's Mask
6. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
7. Metal Gear Solid
8. Resident Evil 2
9. Diablo 2
10. Silent Hill
11. Banjo and Kazooie
12. Tekken 3
13. Street Fighter Alpha 3
14. Fallout 2
15. Final Fantasy Tactis
16. Resident Evil 1
17. Final Fantasy 9
18. Half Life
19. Starcraft
20. Baldur's Gate 2
21. Xenogears
22. Golden Eye 007
23. Megaman X4
24. Final Fantasy 8
25. Gran Turismo 2
26. Starfox 64
27. System Shock 2
28. Perfect Dark
29. Rayman 2
30. Vagrant Story
31. Legacy of Kain - Soul reaver
1. Super Metroid
2. Legend of Zelda - a Link to the Past
3. Chrono Trigger
4. Final Fantasy 6
5. Yoshi Island
6. Donkey Kong Country 2
7. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
8. Super Mario World
9. Doom
10. Megaman X
11. Super Mario RPG
12. Dragon Quest 5
13. Pokemon Rosso/Blu
14. Earthbound
15. Zelda Link's Awakening
16. Monkey Island 2
17. Gunstar Heroes
18. Final Fantasy 5
19. Donkey Kong Country
20. Terranigma
21. Sonic The hedgehog 3
22. Revenge of The Shinobi
23. Castlevania Rondo of Blood
24. Secret of mana 3 (trials of mana)
25. Final Fantasy 4
26. Warcraft 2
27. Super Castlevania 4
28. Streets of Rage 2
29. Ultima Underworld
30. Strider
31. Tactis Ogre
32. Alien Soldier
33. Phantasy Star 4
34. F-zero
35. Ultima 7
36. Turtles in Time
1. Super Mario Bros 3
2. The Legend of ZELDA
3. Tetris
4. Megaman 2
5. Super mario Bros
6. Castlevania 3
7. Dragon Quest 3
8. Super Contra
9. Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake
10. Metroid
11. Phantasy Star
12. Final Fantasy 3
13. DuckTales
14. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
15. Ninja Gaiden 2
16. Castlevania 1
17. Bionic Commando
18. Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
19. Megaman 5
20. Zelda 2
21. Battletoads
22. Final Fantasy 1
23. Ultima 4
24. R-Type
25. River City Ransom
26. Gradius
27. Space Harrier
28. Punch out
29. Blaster Master
30. Crystalis
31. After Burner
32. Maniac Mansion
33. Gauntlet II
34. Ghouls 'n Ghosts
1. Adventure
2. Defender
3. Galaga
4. Donkey Kong
5. Space Invaders
6. Rogue
7. MS. Pacman
8. Dragon's Lair
9. Pacman
10. Zork trilogy
11. Wizardry
12. Breakout
13. Elevator action
14. Frogger
15. Pitfall
16. PONG
17. Tempest
18. Mario Bros
19. Asteroids
20. Sinistar
21. Joust
22. Q-Bert
23. Dig Dug
24. Missle Command
25. Galaxian
26. Robotron
27. Centipede
28. Death race