5 settembre 2021

Top Avventure Grafiche

(chiamate anche Punta e Clicca o Visual novel)

1. MONKEY ISLAND 2 (1991)


3. Grim Fandango (1998)
4. Broken Sword (1996)
5. Indiana jones and the fate of atlantis (1992)
6. Monkey Island 1 (1990)
7. Indiana Jones and the last crusade (1989)
8. Walking Dead il Gioco 1 (2009) [+]
9. Beneath a Steel Sky a Steel Sky (1994)
10. Return of Obra Din (2018)
11. Myst (1993)
11. Phenix wright Trilogy
12. 999
13. The Wolf Among Us [+]
14. Walking dead il gioco 2 [+]
15. The House in Fata Morgana
16. Tales of Borderlands (2014)
17. Life is strange (2015)
18. Stanley Parable (2013)
19. Sam And Max hit the road (1993)
20. Siberia 1 (2002)
21. Gone Home
22. Night in the woods
23. Ghost Trick
24. Policenauts
25. Walking dead il gioco part 3
26. Heavy Rain
27. The Book of Unwritten Tales
28. Loom (1990)
29. Machinarium
30. Full Throttle
31. Monkey Island 3
32. Farhenheit
33. Discworld Noir (1999)
35. Snatcher
36. The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (2015)
37. Monkey island 4
38. the dig
39. Zero Time Dilemma
40. Procession To Calvary
41. Botanicula
42. The white Door
43. The Silent Age (2012)
44. Tecnobabylon
45. Ever 17 (2002)
46. Broken sword 2
47. Distrant 2
48. Life is strange 2
49. To the Moon (2011)
50. Runaway
51. Dreamfall
52. Neverending NIghtmare
53. Journey Down
54. Neverhood
55. Zack maccracken (1988)
56. the stillness of the wind
57. Dragon Lair 1(+)
58. Siberia 2
59. Steins Gate
60. Gabriel knight (1993)
61. Zork Trilogy
62. King quest 6
63. Hotel Dusk
64. King quest remake
65. Primordia
66. Batman The game (+)
67. Broken sword 3
68. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
69. Phenix Writght next
70. Riven
71. Untill Dawn (+)
72. Maniac Mansion (1987)
73. harvester (1996)
74. King Quest 4
75. Leisure suit Harry 7
76. Flight of the Amazon Queen
77. One way the elevator
78. Ritorno al futuro
79. Hotel Dusk 2
80. I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995)
81. King quest 3
82. Dragon Lair 2
83. gabriel Knight 3(1999)
84. Life is strange 3
85. Doki Doki Literature Club
86. game of thrones
87. Broken Age (2014)
88. Gabriel Knight 2
89. Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure
90. The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles(2009)
91. Deponia
92. Siberia 3
93. Gemini Rule
94. Sanitarium
95. The Blackwell Legacy(2006)
96. Guardnians of the galaxy
97. There is No game
98. The Whispered World (2009)
99. Thimbleweed Park
100. King Quest 1
101. Space Quest
102. Longest journey
103. Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True
104. toonstuck
105. Broken sword 4
106. Exile
107. Revelation
108. End of Ages
110. Omikron: The Nomad Soul
111. superbrothers
112. walking dead Michonne
113. The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (1998)
114. Leisure Suit Larry – Reloaded (2013)
115. The Last Express (1997)
116. Police Quest 2: The Vengeance (1988)
117. Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness (1993)
118. Resonance (2012)
119. Shadow of the Comet (1993)
120. Shadowgate (2014)
121. Oxenfee
122. Year Walk
123. Paradigm
124. Clannad
125. Little Busters!
126. Milkmaid
127. King quest 5
128. Unavowed (2018)
129. Broken sword 5
130. Sherlock Nemesis
131. Sherlock il risveglio della divinità (2007)
132. Sharlock contro Jack lo squartatore (2009)
133. King quest 2

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